Bursitis refers to the painful inflammation of the bursa. The bursa is a fluid-filled sac responsible for protecting and lubricating joints. The pain is usually caused by constant bumping or bruising of the joints, usually because of increased and repeated pressure or overuse of the joint.
The good news with this condition, however, is that it is not life-threatening, and once you discover that you have it, all you have to do to start making the pain disappear is to ease up on the activity responsible for causing it. Here is a brief look at some of the ways you can deal with the pain-:
Change the Activity Responsible for the Inflammation
If you are suffering from bursitis in your elbows or knee, then you may consider changing or easing up on the activity that might be responsible for the inflammation. For instance, if you feel the pain while playing a game, try reducing the intensity of the game, or give it a break for a while for the inflammation to heal.
Also, if the pain is occasioned by the repeated use of a machine, you can consider changing the machine, or using it in a more comfortable position so that it doesn’t trigger the pain.
Try Deflating the Inflammation
There are certain medications you can use to try and reduce the inflammation at home. By taking two 325mg aspirin tablets four times a day, you can significantly reduce the pain associated with the inflammation.
However, the use of such medication should be a temporary measure as you work on more permanent ways to control the inflammation. Remember, the continued use of such medication may be harmful to your liver. Also, it is advisable that you use them only on the recommendations of your doctor.
Use Ice Treatment
Ice is known to reduce swelling or inflammation by reducing blood flow to the affected area. A simple home remedy for dealing with bursitis, then, would be to put a pack of ice on the joint for about 20 minutes or longer until you feel some relief on the joint.
Stick to the Right Range of Motion
If the condition is occasioned by a regular workout at the gym, then you may want to consider how you do some of the exercises, especially when it comes to the range of motion.
You are most likely to develop bursitis when you over-stretch or over-extend your joints while working out. Alternatively, you could be handling more weight than your joints can tolerate. Consider addressing these possibilities and see if the pain subsides or disappears.
If nothing works, be sure to check in with your doctor for further consultation.