Carpal tunnel syndrome is usually associated with tingling, numbness, or pain in the wrist and the fingers. It is a condition so common that is usually experienced by people involved in all kinds of work, ranging from data entry clerks to meat packagers in the meat processing firms. The cause of the condition is normally increased pressure on the median nerve.
The median nerve normally passes through the carpal tunnel located in the wrist region, and whenever there is a swelling on the wrist, the tunnel will be squeezed, causing it to press against the nerve, hence, bringing about all the associated symptoms.
How a wrist brace can help with carpal tunnel syndrome
There are a variety of remedies to carpal tunnel syndrome, and one of them is as simple as dropping the activity or going slow on what you normally do to trigger the symptoms. Also, some people prefer to use wrist braces as a means of relieving the pain occasioned by the syndrome.
Normally, the symptoms tend to increase when your wrist is not in a straight, natural position. A brace can help because it helps to maintain the wrist in a straight, and neutral position so that there is less pressure exerted on the median nerve.
Naturally, most people will find that they bend their wrists when they sleep at night. As such, the wrist is no longer straight and in a natural position, hence, more pressure is exerted on the median nerve. If this is your case, then having a wrist brace will help a lot when you go to bed since it will help keep your wrist in the most natural position and avoid any excess pressure on the tunnel.
You are also free to use the braces during the day, especially if you are involved in activities that normally trigger the symptoms of carpal syndrome.
When will a wrist brace not work?
If you have mild to moderate carpal tunnel syndrome, then using a brace will help a lot. The braces work best for individuals who report that their syndromes normally last for just a short period, and they are not very severe. However, if you experience severe symptoms and you have tried using a brace with no greater success, then it may be a good idea to consult a doctor for other more effective medical interventions.
Also, whether or not the symptoms are mild while using wrist support, it is vital that you don’t do anything that might end up worsening the symptoms. For example, you should avoid bending your wrists all the way up or down, always keeps your hands warm, take regular breaks so that you don’t overuse your wrists, and switch up tasks to avoid repetitive motions over and over again.